United We Stand
ABC 2001 National Specialty Logo

The South Central Bloodhound Club would like to invite you to join us at Lake Murray State Park and Resort for the American Bloodhound Club 2001 National Specialty.

Breed: Mr. Robert Forsyth
Obedience: Ms Gail Brown
Juniors: (To be announced)
Sweepstakes: Mrs. Claudia Williams
Futurity: Steve Aguirre
AKC Tracking: (To be announced)
ABC Trailing: (To be Announced)
Tuesday, September 18 - ABC Trailing
Wednesday, September 19 - AKC Tracking and Futurity*
Thursday, September 20 - Obedience, Sweeps (Veterans and Puppy)
Friday, September 21 - Regular Classes and Junior Showmanship
Saturday, September 22 - Best of Breed, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch and Generations and Brace

We suggest that you make reservations as soon as possible. The number for the Lake Murray State Park and Resort cabin reservations is 1-800-257-0322. Be sure to identify yourself as a member of the ABC Bloodhound Specialty group. Click here to see a map of the show site.
Additional rooms are available at the Super 8 Motel in Ardmore, OK, approximately 11 miles and 17 minutes -- call and identify yourself as being with the American Bloodhound Club - they are holding 30 rooms for us - their standard room rate is $35.89! Click here for a listing of most of the motels in the area.

If you require "special needs" accomodations, please contact Leslie Griffith or Linda Heins.

T-Shirts gif --- Order them Early and Often!!!
Click here for printable form.
Be sure to enter the
Photo Contest
Check here for information.

Auction Chairpersons - Sherry and Tim Robertson [email protected]
Booth Chairperson - James R Adams [email protected]
Boutique Chairpersons - David and Erin Shibler [email protected]
Catalog Chairperson - Brenda Howard [email protected]
Grounds Chairpersons - Brenda Howard [email protected] and
          Walt Partin [email protected]
Hospitality Chairperson - Keith Favre [email protected]
Hotel/Meals Chairperson (Banquets) - Joe Ivey [email protected]
Judges Hospitality Chairperson - Leslie Griffith [email protected]
Judge's Seminar - Susan Hamil [email protected]
National Events Coordinator - Lynne Aguirre [email protected]
National Tracking Coordinator - Stacy Mattson
National Trailing Trial Coordinator - Sid Harty [email protected]
Obedience Chairperson - Doris Coleman (816) 356-9868
Publicity Chairperson - Diane Hoy [email protected]
Chief Ring Steward - Lynne Aguirre
Show Chairpersons - Linda Heins [email protected] and
          Leslie Griffith [email protected]
Silent Auction/Raffle Chairperson - Lisa McMeans [email protected]
Superintendent/Show Secretary - Jack Onofrio Dog Shows
Tracking Chairperson - Judy McDonald [email protected]
Trailing Trial Chairperson - Jan Tweedie [email protected]
Trophy Chairpersons - Lisa and Joe Ivey [email protected] (Lisa) or [email protected] (Joe)

Wendy Musgrove [email protected] can answer any questions regarding "Bloodhounds on Parade". You can download a copy of the information she will need from all participants from here. This form requires Adobe Acrobat to view and print this form.

Check out the 2001 Photo Contest Entries.