Bulletin |
The journal begins when Lexy is 8 weeks old...Lexy and I had a good romp tonight at Elbel field, but towards the end she ran through my legs and I stepped on her. She did the "oh my god I'm dying" routine and held her arm in such a way that I thought I had broken it, at which point she got up and ran away. I have my fingers crossed for a good night. I'll check in tomorrow.
Lexy and I had a horrible night last night. She whined and whined when I put her in the crate, 10-midnight. She whined again at 3 and I took her out for a piddle, whined for another 20 minutes and then from 5:30 -5:45 at which point I took her out again. She had the runs and scared herself with the noises coming from her own rear end. When I thought she was done I picked her up and she threw up on my arm. We got inside and I went into the bathroom to wash my arm. She followed me and finished her very loose BM. We slept very well from 6-7 and just took a very long walk. She only ate half of her breakfast, but seems as energetic as ever. I hope and assume that she was so horrible last night because her tummy was obviously in such bad shape. Hopefully Greek History will not go the way of puppy.
Lexy plans her next move...6 Sept: Lexy and I went to the park after lunch and I found a hill which I jogged up and down. Lexy bounded up after me and slid gracefully down, alternately nose first and tail first. NOW SHE IS ASLEEP! Last night/ this morning after I took her out at 5:30 and went back to bed, she whined around, then found out how to get into bed with me and fell sound asleep. When I woke up she rolled down between the bed and wall, still asleep. I looked down at the crumpled heap in disbelief. The bed is going to be off limits from now on.We'll both have to work on that.
Lexy turned twelve weeks old yesterday and this morning she let me know it. I came home from teaching, having been gone for two hours, and the living room was covered with the well ripped up contents of one trash can and one drawer which previously had envelopes and paper in it. I went in search of the perpetrator. I found her looking like Cleopatra, stretched luxuriously on my bed with her head cradled by my pillow. Who is queen in this house? Lexy and I just returned from puppy obedience class. (you can add me to the list of people still here) I was expecting the worst. Everyone told me bloodhounds only go to obedience for the amusement of others. The class consisted of 10 to 15 puppies half of whom were golden retriever fluff balls. Class started with a group play. Some puppies were very timid. Lexy stormed around the room, not a shy bone in her body, introducing herself to every puppy. We then worked on sit, down, and stand. She was great, but lost interest quite quickly. We will just do a couple of minutes a day. We then sat in a circle and passed the puppies around so that they would get to know other humans. Some were little wiggle worms, some very frightened and mine a sack of potatoes. I looked across the circle and saw one woman trying to hoist this limp lump to the next person. Class ended with another play session. One of the puppies was a very funny looking Shar Pei, Moses. Moses could just as well have been an old man as a puppy. Lexy decided that Moses' tail was her personal chew toy and charged around the class room grabbing and holding on, while poor Moses tried in vain to escape. The best part of the whole evening is the loud snoring going on behind me. A peaceful night!
It's really hard work being a puppy!
14 October: Lexy and I had a good walk, before it started raining. Yesterday was in the 80's and today is supposed to be rain and 50's. Lexy got to viciously attack a rock. She has just started reacting to strange shapes. She saw this big lump and bounced a few times then raced at top speed bravely past it and swung around for a second pass by. Yesterday morning we met two springers and Lexy was practically the same size! 28 October: Yesterday Lexy viciously attacked and successfully conquered a cabbage. The park where we walk has garden plots which have been dismantled for the winter, but afew veggies still remain. Lexy noticed them for the first time yesterday and did the "there is a fierce beast over there and I'm not going to be scared of it" charge. She grabbed the head and came galumphing back and hid it in the bushes for a future pass by.
Lexy and brother Ernie
investigate everything!2 November: I got pictures developed yesterday and they are great. I took them to the department to show my classmates and some said incredulously, "you took a whole roll of just Lexy!" No, I took two. There are two of her killing a milkweed and marching triumphantly away with a mouthful of white fluff. There are many of her twisting and stretching and looking like she is posing to be a centerfold and my two favorites. One she is curled up on her blue chair looking sleek and beautiful, the next she is in the same position but sticking her tongue out a good five inches. On another topic - snoring and gas. I know to be afraid when my little lady stops snoring because it means the gas is coming. As soon as I have been hit by the stench the loud snorts begin again. Right now she is snoring, thank goodness.
Lexy just saw her first cat. We have walked past many fuzzy multicolored rocks, but for the first time, Lexy noticed. I wish some one else had been there, it was hilarious. We were about 8 feet away and had just walked past. Lexy turned, cocked her head, and jumped straight up, all four feet off the ground. She then dashed from left to right and right to left, pounced forward and dropped her shoulders, sticking her butt up into the air. The black and white fuzzy rock sat patiently watching my brave dog, so she repeated her dance multiple times. She did not want to take her eyes off this strange creature so occasionally her dashes crashed into my legs. Finally she got a running start and we boldly passed the danger zone to continue our walk. I can't wait 'til Christmas when she will have three cats to deal with.
This is what drawers are made for!An update on Ernie. His legs tail and ears keep growing. His paws are three times the size of Lexy's. His legs are so long, especially his hind legs, that they don't always work properly. Lexy is a tank, compact and solid. Ernie is like stretched out silly putty. I suspect they weigh the same, perhaps Lexy a little more. Nat really loves Ernie, even though Ernie has destroyed most of what he owns. The two of them make a great pair, and the four of us have a great time together. Nat reminds me periodically that he must really love me if he was stupid enough to get a bloodhound. Ernie is twice the size of Lexy and the best way to describe them is like an evil duo. Lexy is the smart evil one who comes up with the plans, Ernie is the big dumb one who does whatever Lexy tells him. Lexy, "Hey Ernie, see that bag of candy 6 feet off the ground, get that for me." Ernie, "Okay Dokay" Crash! The two of then together are capable of mass destruction.
14 December: Lexy and Ernie spent last weekend together and starting tomorrow they get three weeks together, plus fun with Folly and Elly for one week. They are great together. They have the same determined walk. One spots a possible target and the other waddles along behind. They are devils. After the first few hours Lexy is so tired that she is practically falling asleep standing up. She looks as though it hurts to keep her eyes open, but she won't go to sleep and miss some fun. Last weekend they got into the holiday spirit. Of all the boxes they could have plundered they found the one with my decorations from when I was teaching. We came home to silver and blue stars of David spread decoratively across the living room.
If I act really cute and coy,
Mom will forgive me of my puppy ways....Christy Ruff